
{this} {is} {serious}


I debated posting this at all but I really had to just sayyyy it.


I read a lot of blogs, probably way too many, probably just like everyone else who has a blog. We like to keep up on each other, you know? Girls. Girls are always sizing each other up. Not in a bad way, usually. That's what I'm trying to say--I like to be around girls who inspire and uplift. I wrote about this before but I need to say it again, and this applies to everyone. There is a trend circulating around the internet, and consequentially, around the whole of society, that has a lot to do with being better than everyone.

I'm not just talking about materialism, although that could be another blog post, probably. I don't want to write that one, though. Somebody else talk about materialism! Whatever. The point is, this whole "I am better because I'm an intellectual" thing....is stale. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Since when is it okay to step on other people because you can use big words and read The New Yorker? Since when???

I'm not trying to be crass or jokey right now but I know I come off that way sometimes. Like I treat too many things lightly. Well this is seeerious bidnez. I get so tired, so exhausted, from reading article after article about any topic really, with that condescending tone. I don't even know how to explain it, but I keep seeing it in the media. Usually has things like this:

  • demanding something, like a right they don't have, and crucifying anybody who does not have this same view
  • making fun of someone who has a different opinion/OR IS JUST PLAIN DIFFERENT
  • straight up mocking people who are good, good people and also humble, meek, and therefore you won't ever hear them saying "I am such a good person." 
It's that last one that is bothering me the most right now. I recently saw a Twitter feed (not even gonna bring up the subject because that's a can of worms) and it started out innocently enough. Someone expressed their opinion. The end. Or not. Because then someone else disagreed with her, and it was like that person who disagreed was not very smart or open-minded. She was a dumb sheep. Not explicitly said, but implied by the original author of the tweet and those who backed her up in responses.

*insert burning fire emoji* 

I cannot handle these types of conversations, on the internet or in real life. Sadly, I don't think you'd see that type of conversation  very often in real life because people are a lot meaner on the internet. A really gross and terrible fact. It's times like these in which I have to step back and say "Ok. Guess what, McKenzie. You don't have to take other people's opinions to heart."

Take other people's opinions lightly. VERY lightly.

Obviously, you are not going to agree with everyone about everything. That is certain. But that doesn't give you the right to say "You are a stupid and dumb human because you have a different opinion than me." Nope. Because that person is still a human being. Ok, what if they are wrong? It's ok...it's not your problem, not really. You've stated how you feel and that is the end. It's great that you are willing to stand up for your opinions and your beliefs! But then to attack the person...? No thank you.

I have so many good women in my life. So many, and there is a common trait in all of them that I want to emulate: kindness. I know, kindness isn't trendy right now. Being right is. How did Christ teach others? He, the most perfect person to ever walk the earth, was also the most humble, and most kind. He never made anybody feel less because they didn't understand something or because they sinned. And we all sin. But did anyone ever hear Him say "I am perfect! I know everything! So if you don't agree with me you are really stupid!' No! The message was always delivered as an invitation, and it emanated perfect kindness. I don't understand why people think using coercion and bullying and passive aggression will ever work. It does not work. It only repels.

The women I want to be like are smart, but they aren't puffed up. They are kind, but not to gain something in return. They are gentle, because every human needs that. And they are all of these things without saying a word--you probably haven't heard them brag very much about how awesome they are. They just are. Like my mom (that's why her picture is up there, and ok, she's cute too). 

Sorry this was a jabbering mess. But SRSLY had to get it off my chest.


(I recognize how ironic it was that I put that it in all caps...)

1 comment:

  1. 1. Awesome post, I feel these feelings often. What has the world become.... WAT?!
    2. Ellie looks like a cute little chimp up there. Please don't let her kick my butt for saying that.
