
this post is fueled by my grilled cheeses

this is how it is to be a girl

Yes, I meant for "grilled cheeses" to be plural.

I just now overheard two kids at my workplace singing "London Bridge is Falling Down," but they definitely replaced the words "London Bridge" with "Jesus." ????????????????

I have a feeling that Guy Fieri would be proud of this post so far, and that is not a good thing.

People keep asking me how I feel about the fact that I'm going to be a college professor in 2.5 weeks and I'm like "Fine." "Doesn't bother me." "Wait, should I be worried?" *shoulder shrug*

But on the inside, this is how it really is:

I'm supposed to check my classroom to see if my computer will work in there and oh gosh I don't think technology will agree with me should I just tell my students sorry no Powerpoints for the entire year and I'll just use one of those overhead projectors they will ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT ??!?!??

??!?!?????!????????????? <--lots of this emotion, which I can't express vocally, but if I could it would sound like a pterodactyl getting hit by a bus

I should bring a garden hose to keep  myself my students awake because class is at 7:30 AM and now I know for sure that this whole thing was not my idea at all (looking up at the sky, for effect).

If all else fails at least I will keep a chocolate stash in my drawer for ME AND ONLY ME! 

I really hope we don't have to read Moby Dick.

It's clearly going well.

I have to pack every single item I possess in the next less-than-48 hours. If you have arms I need your help. Not what you think--I just need you to hug me and therefore keep my arms pinned down and therefore help me procrastinate because PACKING BLOWS.

So does moving, but I'm not gonna think about that yet. I like to procrastinate feeling emotions, too. #adult

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