
if ur reading this, congrats! you can read! you are literate!

Hey guys, been awhile. I'm "watching" Revenge of the Sith (blargh) because I'm a true fan and I have to participate in Star Wars week as part of my membership in the "True Fan" club. Or something...

The last three are way better. Er..first three. Gosh dangit George! Why did you do this to us?! This is completely pointless so far.

My thought process throughout this day (yes I wrote down my thoughts as they came, aren't u lucky):

My freckles came back! Oh but wait is that a mole? Hmm maybe it's a beauty mark. Yeah, a beauty mark. 
Why did I go grocery shopping late at night...
All I wanted was to avoid seeing people I knew and to get my Cheddar Bunnies.
What the! There's no Cheddar Bunnies?!?? Oh shoot..that boy looks familiar
Yes he...he did a double take when he saw me too. His snapback hat is obscuring his peripheral vision though so maybe he just has a weird tic that makes him look like he's looking sideways but he's not so maybe he didn't see me
Excuse me while I pretend to need this pastry flour...
Oh but I COULD make muffins!
Oh now he's looking at me...better back away slowly...we only went to Mexico together and I don't think he remembers what I look like since I wore one outfit the entire time and it wasn't the one I'm wearing now.


If you like someone (me) u should probably tell them (me)
Hmmm I need to start planning for my camping trip next weekend.
This is the summer of lots of trips and being mostly poor so I'm actually thinking about entering those sweepstakes on the backs of cereal boxes.
Update: the sweepstakes on the back of Peanut Butter Crunch box is not worth it. I will not glue a cardboard mustache to my face and post it on social media.
Wait...people already do that when they aren't entering sweepstakes....
Oh but I AM excited for the farmer's market and mint lemonade and for the day I live within biking distance of one.
Bc then I won't have to drive there and get hit on via my car. Or hit by another car. Or hit a pedestrian with my car (all three of these things have happened).

Pause in my thoughts for a moment to tell you guys about my car. It is quite old (circa 1985), it's brown, and it looks sort of like a DeLorean. Spelling anyone??? Ever since I inherited it in 2012, it has earned many a hairy eyeball from the likes of creepy men everywhere. It also bears a scar on its left side because of a certain incident (#jerrywayne), but it still attracts attention, which makes me slightly uncomf because I know nothing about old cars really and so I feel kind of embarrassed to be driving one that's so classy. It's like a 15 year-old who knows nothing about the Beatles somehow getting ahold of an original record. And they're like "Hey! The Beatles! That's a band from Forever 21, right?"

You know?
have you ever not known your pic was being taken?
yeah whatever I mean my phone is like my own personal paparazzi
and I have a tumor in my mouth

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