
I am going to punch my alarm clock in the jugular: a post completely unrelated to what I just said (but I am bloody tired)

my face almost every second of the day, erp
(the cat, not the girl, geez)

Being an introvert (all the extroverts be like *eyerolling so hard their eyes fall back into their skulls*), I get all the energy sucked from my body when I am social. Too social. Like Disneyland is a dadgum nightmare and a half. So many strangers walking around and talking and screaming and spreading measles and stuff. ~~**STreSs~~**

Going grocery shopping alone is my jam. Especially in the morning when hardly anybody else is there. So what I am saying is if Superman was an introvert then the sun=his alone time. Did that make anyyyy sense at all? Nah? Read the comic books then.

All of this talk about being introverted brings me to this: I am hecka good at writing notes/letters. Talking to people face to face is hard, but I could write notes to strangers all day. And in high school, I did just that. I left notes in people's lockers, underneath empty milk cartons, in the coin slot at the payphone outside the gym, and in the vending machine. They were all signed "Your Friendly Neighborhood Lunchlady." It gave me an insane amount of satisfaction....I, McKenzie, was communicating with people in an anonymous fashion, hopefully giving them something to think about (like mashed potatoes), and then wonder "Who is this FNL?" I know, it's not as catchy as "Zorro," but gimme a break, I was 16.

A couple of years ago, I sent out a message to the randos of the internet (via tumblr) asking any of my followers if they wanted a letter from me, and if they wanted me to write about anything in particular. I wrote like four letters to strangers, and all of them were about 5 pages each. I wish I had copies of those letters, because I think they were complete nonsense and would make good stand-up material now. So, thesis of my essay here: I can talk anyone's ear off.... if it's on paper.

Last night, I got to relive my glory dayz. GLORY BE!!

Visual aids
special s/o to Barnes and Noble for still existing even though Borders pulled a Titanic and went under #toosoon


there were like 50 books here with the same title
so I wrote
"Ok so ANSWER then!" 
Had to.


  1. Replies
    1. I just saw your comment! Thank you! Also just stalked your blog and you+your family=the cutest.
