
I would probably throw last year's version of myself down the stairs. and the year before that, too.

put it on my grave

Do you ever do something terrible and then suddenly think, "Gah. That was something 2013 McKenzie would do." Obviously you wouldn't use my name every time you said it. Or any of the times...because you are not me. It's hard to write to an invisible audience sometimes.

I would love to write a thank-you note to everyone that hurt me in the past two years and thank them for doing it, because even though it was hellish, it produced a much better McKenzie. 2015 McKenzie, if you will. And the same thing will happen this year, and I will (hopefully) learn all sorts of necessary life lessons, which will in turn metaphorphasize me into a better human.

Isn't life funny that way? Not like...hahahahahahaha funny. Like "Oh my gash did I just run over a squirrel with my car oh okay good I didn't ohm ygosh there'sanOTHER SQUIRREL." Like that kind of funny (i.e. not very funny AT ALL).

Hitting animals--or people--with your car isn't funny.

I'm on the verge of some craaazzyy soup. CRAZY. But I can't talk about it on here yet because this blog is getting strangely popular...aherm. Like..not super popular, not like Hey Natalie Jean (that's getting real hard to pronounce, so many syllables and stuff, gahh) or anything.

This blog is 100% never gonna be like that one.

But we do have one similarity you see!

A book.


link to the awkward/awful video I made which I didn't have the patience to load onto the blog. Honestly I think the most worthwhile part is from minute 6:30-8:30. ALRIGHTBYE.

I don't know if it will work if we aren't Facebook frands. SRY.

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