
a blog post about nothing at all

Do you ever stop to freeze-frame your life for a second, and just think "how did I get here?" How? I moved to Provo a little over a year ago. At the time, it seemed perfect, right, beautiful, etc. I figured exciting things were in store. And they were--but God's definition of "exciting" is different than mine. Which is probably good, I mean, words are weak. That postmodern lit class I took my senior year really gets in the way of my conversating sometimes (nope, conversating is not a word). ANY. Way. I had no idea what was coming. I think if I had, I would have slammed on the brakes a little. I probably would've wimped out.

Guys, I'm a wimp. I cry a lot (which I'm trying to fix, with drugs actually, because yes it is possible for one to cry too much). I get teary when I look at certain pieces of art, or when it rains after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the sun is hitting the sheets of rain just right as they're coming down and all of a sudden I'm a kid again. I cry when I see baby pictures of my siblings (always and forever I will do this, medication or no medication). I cry when I'm alone and the crushing weight of everything I love/haven't done/have lost falls down on me like an avalanche. Wait, did she just say she has depression?? Or... What! You mean that d-word? Yeah, depression. The past 400 days have been the equivalent of like 50 hours in the testing center. 50 hours straight. With no. Bathroom. Breaks. When I moved to Provo, everything was going great. I could see my future all nice and shiny in the distance. Word to you and your mother: if you can see your future,  #1, you have a problem right there and I think you might be an alien and #2, if it's bright and shiny, I'm sorry, but you need to put your sunglasses on.

Perspective. I didn't know what it was like to have my testimony tested until this last year. I didn't know how it felt to have my faith shaken, to the point when I didn't feel like praying anymore because I didn't think anyone was listening. I never thought I would go through that. I didn't want to get out of bed for three months straight. I had to pray for help to get up. A couple of weeks ago, a girl bore her testimony in church and it was very simple, but it struck me as the most beautiful testimony I'd ever heard. She said, "I just want to say how grateful I am for Jesus Christ, who helped me get up this morning." I knew what she meant.

I guess the reason I'm writing this is because I know there are lots of you who read this who may be experiencing something similar, or have experienced it, or will. Everyone's faith will be tested, and not just once. If Heavenly Father is truly our Father and loves us more than we can fully comprehend, then we will all be tested. That is a fact. But this, this is also true:

Behold, what manner of love is this, that Christ should be arraigned and we adorned, that the curse should be laid on His head and the crown set on ours.
— Thomas Watson

I need you (whoever you are) to know that Heavenly Father does love us, and He's always there. Even--and especially--when you feel completely alone, you are not. Please don't forget that. There will be difficulties and trials and things you don't think you can handle. And maybe that's the thing, you see--you can't handle it, but with Christ you can. I don't know how to say it eloquently. I only know how to say it simply. All of this pain, okay, yes, it hurts. It hurts! There were prayers I uttered in the last year that said simply that--"It hurts. It hurts. Please help. Make it stop hurting."

The Savior heals without a scar. Trust Him to calm your storms. Please don't give up.

p.s. Yes I cried while I wrote this. What of it? I could sell Kleenex to a tree (I don't think the metaphor worked just then). 


of hummus and goldfish crackers (and togas, what else)


So, funny story. A little over a week ago I was in Mexico. Yeah, that country RIGHT BELOW us! The story of how I ended up in Mexico is one of pure happenstance, but most spontaneous things I do are like that. A month ago I didn't think my Thanksgiving would consist of

a) chasing dogs down a dirt road in Mexico
b) picking up strange Mexican children off the street in Mexico (and offering them licorice. Okay this is sounding worse and worse as I type it. HE WAS GIVING US DIRECTIONS)
c) changing a busted tire on the side of the road in the dark in Mexico
d) eating turkey on the beach
e) introducing goldfish crackers to the Mexican people (they loved them, duh)

Here is my tip for driving in Mexico:

Sorry for the lack of apostrophe. I didn't make that image because who has time to make the pictures for their blog???? Definitely not this human (*points to self*).

We did so many cool projects. My eyes were opened nice and wide to the poverty which most of the world lives in. The sad part is that these people don't really know what they're missing out on. Maybe that's better, I don't know. But it would be so frustrating to live in a Mexican resort town in a shanty village and to see the fancy hotels down the road. The hardest/most fulfilling part for me was giving away our leftover food to the homeless. This was the food that probably most Americans would waste (brown bananas, stale rolls, etc), but they were so, so grateful for it. In fact, the kids were clamoring for the manzanas (apples) like they were grilled cheese. It broke my heart but also filled it up at the same time. To see true gratitude on Thanksgiving was the best way I could've spent that holiday.

Also, did you know that traveling for 30-something hours with perfect strangers will either make them your BFF or your worst enemy? DID YOU?! Everyone knows that when you're dating someone who you think is the one, there are one of two tests you can perform: the long hike test and the long road trip test. Both must be long, so you can see a) what their taste in music is like b) how they act after being trapped in a confined space for a long time or c) how they act after physical exertion and no sleep (long hike test, waddup). Also, you get to see them with pretty much no makeup/no shower/no change of clothes ever. #marriage or #breakup ???

My Christmas wish is to go on a road trip with someone who has the exact same taste in music as I do. PLZ BLESS, SANTA. PLZ BLESS.

I'll be real widchu, pretty much errybody on this trip became my BFF. Kenzie was already my Bacon And Eggs, but I think the real hero of this trip was Skylar SomeCoolMiddleName Call. Ps Skylar what's your middle name..? I know everybody on the trip knows my middle name now, because Alejandro insisted on calling me by that name instead of my first name because Kenzie has the same name and calling us by numbers was too easy. 

And now this post shall turn into Shiz Skylar Says: (heheh you didn't know I wrote it all down did you)

"Oh...he just a got a picture of my butt. Good thing I accentuated it."

Me: Skylar why are you looking at us through the seat hole.
Skylar: You can do anything with a beard and it's weird.

Kenzie: So, it's 3 o'clock, we're driving to Arizona, and your dream girl calls you up and says she wants to get married tonight, but it has to go down before midnight. Who is it? What do you do? What will everyone wear?
Skylar: Well, obviously it would be Nicole Margarine (name has been changed to protect the innocent). And Morgan Freeman would officiate the wedding.
Kenz: Do you know Morgan Freeman? How do you have the hookups?
Skylar: {ignores question} Oh yeah and Bill Murray HAS to be at my wedding. He shows up at people's weddings all the time.
Kenz: What! But how do you know these guys?
Kenz: Okay, okay and what about Nicole? What's she gonna wear?
Skylar: Well, she'd wear a toga, because togas look good on everybody.
Everyone in the car: ......
Skylar: And she'd wear one of those Caesar rings on her head, you know with the flowers? And her dress would have the interwoven stringy things. And I want twizzles in her hair.
Kenz: Twizzles?
Me: You mean like crimped hair?
Skylar: Twizzles.
Skylar: And we'd go to a private island on a boat. And we'd have a private skipper.
Me: What's a private skipper?
Skylar: Just an exclusive captiain of our ship. And he'd take us to an island, probably around Seattle. And THERE WOULD BE HORSES. Everyone has to be on a horse.
Me: Including Morgan Freeman.
Skylar. Yes.
Kenz: Who would the photographer be?
Skylar: Oh we'd just wear GoPros on our foreheads.
Kenz: I'd be pissed if my husband did that.

Skylar, in the car randomly one day: My mom won't let me go running on the mountain because she thinks people will think I'm a crazy person and I'll get shot.
Me: It's your beard.

Kenz: Want some hummus?
Skylar: Maybe a little.... {pause} Heheh yeah right (A PERFECT SUMMARY OF SKYLAR, YO)

Skylar: I was born on Harriet Tubman's birthday.
Me: Did you know that Harriet Tubman is E.T.'s doppelganger?
Robbie: Doppel-what?!

*everybody having a deep discussion about something in the car*
Skylar interrupts with: Ooh, that is an old wall.

Maybe all of these are pointless to you who do not know Skylar, but now you'll want to know him. And that definitely was not really the point of this post. 


post-flat tire incident

probably my favorite picture from the whoooole trip.

The view.

Putting in insulation=ITCHY ALL UP IN EVERY CREVICE, YO

"Don't they have sand in Alabama?!" 

google translate it. or don't, I'm not the boss of you.