
bloggity blig blog bligger

I'm having problems coming up with titles lately. #struggle

Explanation of above photograph: I was at a "cabin" this weekend (loose definition for mansion that was made of fancy logs but really it was not a cabin it was a mansion with a sauna inside of it, among other things). And when I sat upon the king-sized bed in my room with my amiga, the bed collapsed. We screamed. The dance party in the other room carried on. I will always treasure this selfie of me with the splintered wood that I splintered using my own body weight, and not an axe. I think I just wrote an essay, kind of. Or maybe a manifesto. 

Back to real life, though.

I spent money on this phone case. Lots of people gave me strange looks for it. But I think most of them were looks of awe and maybe pride. "Can't believe I'm actually friends with this chick."

I watched Fox and the Hound with some wardies. And at the end, when it flashes back to Copper and Todd talking in their baby voices and saying they'll be best friends forever...okay...like...my tears....MY teARS. I said "Oh man I'm going to cry." And everyone kind of looked at me and laughed uncomfortably. BUT SRSLY.

things not to watch when you are ovary-acting: 
The Fox & The Hound
Homeward Bound
pizza commercials
gifs like this one:

things not to listen to when you are ovary-acting:
anything by Bon Iver/Justin Vernon/etc etc
The Civil Wars
Noah Gundersen
old voicemails from old friends (OUCH)

things not to buy when you are ovary-acting:
chocolate-covered things. all the chocolate-covered things.

I went to the store at 11:30 at night this weekend. I bought drugz. Trenterz bought chocolate covered pretzels. We probably could've traded items and everyone at the store still would have known. They would've seen it in my eyes. #ovaryacting

I'm done talking about that awkward and awful subject now. "Now" meaning on this blog post. 

My summer plans have been turned inside out because of the travel section on Groupon. I'm never gonna save enough money to buy a new computer but I don't even care because I could go to Europe for 1200 bones. BAHAA. Help. But don't. But really. I have things to do before grad school sucks the life out of me (and the monies from my bank account). Like go to Europe. 

Oh but look at me, I'm getting way ahead of myself. Better put another nail in the coffin and make a summer ter-do listy-list. Ack. Too many made-up words just then. 

summertime is ...
concert time (already got like 5 planned, wassup)
practice my (nonexistent) cartwheel skills time
bike rides up the heezy time
initiating summer gangster speak (what?)
brooklyn 99 re-runs time
lizzy+norah+kenzie reunion time
san fran--> seattle road trip, holler
mt. timpanogos, part 2. this time I'll bring real clothes and I won't go by myself, mom.
probably europe.
blogging more interesting things than to-do lists and why I'm so emotionallll. hashtag winter was crazy but it's over now yay. 

well that was a weird blog post.


about me (a photo essay)

Sometimes I find it hard to describe myself using...words. I like pictures. Pictures are gr8. And just so you know, I am going to grad school, and I did just replace the letters "eat" with 8, like a 7th grader. Also I just realized that the word "eat" is in "great." I'm sure I can think of a good joke for that later. I mean l8r. 




#me during parks

p.s. this does not count as an actual blog post. srsly. no. 


"let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will move mountains"

East of Eden Quote Typed on Typewriter by farmnflea on Etsy, $11.00
hopefully this is in my future

Not to be a drama queen or anything, buuut I think it's high time I take a break from the internetz for awhile. I currently feel like the emotional wind has been knocked out of me and I'm struggling to get back up. I think if time heals all wounds, the hands on my clock have rheumatoid arthritis or something. Ha.

I love you all. See you sooooon. :)


"it was the busta rhymes, it was the worsta rhymes"-abraham lincoln

Oh gash what a weekend! Don't ask me what I did! I'll just tell you I watched a combination of Catching Fire and Jane Austen (plus some Anne of Green Gables on the side because Gilbert has no facial expressions and we'll get to that later).

Do you know what happens to people who can only function when they take Ibuprofen/sleeping pills? DO YOU? They start writing everything in all caps, including text messages. So everything starts sounding passive aggressive.


They crave chocolate for breakfast. They take naps at 7pm. They...the builders of the nation. What? Oh wait that's a hymn. #sendhelllppp

So my hands smell like cake batter for no explainable reason. I'm not gonna fight it. I just want to know when I started sleep-baking. Since when is that my thing? I thought my thing was falling asleep with books on my face and then waking up with weird fold lines on my forehead. Ah, to be a human map. Not as cool or poetic as it sounds.

notable quotables from da weekend

whilst watching Catching Fiiiaaah
beetee: tic-toc, tic-toc, TIC-TOC
eric: somebody's been listening to too much Ke$ha.

at Los Dos Compadres, while staring at my plate of food with a Mexican flag on it 
me: hey look! this half of my quesadilla is Mexico. The upper half must be the USA....if I move my beans across the border, that makes them immigrants!
Jordan: ......

JP, I know you said lots of funny stuff in sacrament meeting but I don't remember what it was. Hashtag Daylight Savings Time. But this is a shout-out to you for being your hilarious, badical self.

(here's a pic of JP just because. yep I stole it from his facebook in a non-creepy way.)

Oh yeah. My bestest frand Caitlyn had a birfday this weekend. We partied hard. And by that I mean...we ate a lot...had lots of awkward moments....and ate some more. Caitlyn, you're the coolest person. I'm sorry we don't have any pictures together yet. Dumb. Just wait 'til we go to St. Geezy in T minus 2 days.

also, I stole this from her facebook. I thought about photoshopping my face onto that girl's but I knew it would turn out super creepy. and also I was tired.

Alright, so now for the Gilbert Blythe Story. Everybody who has seen the glorious Anne of Green Gables series (so basically all females who have read this blog) know that Gilbert is the #1 best fictional boyfriend of all time, and he does it all while wearing flippin' SUSpeNDERS. I mean.

But last night, Chels and I were watching the ending and she was like "Haven't you ever noticed that whenever the camera is on his face, it's not doing anything? He just stares and makes the same facial expressions."


Foto: More than words could ever say. #anneandfelix
now imagine this face in like 10 other frames. 
every time Anne says something like
"Gilbert, I dedicated my book to you."

Foto: More than words could ever say. #anneandfelix

"Gibert, this book is your wedding present even though I'm actually  in love with you."

Foto: More than words could ever say. #anneandfelix

Anne: "[sobbing noises]"
Foto: More than words could ever say. #anneandfelix

The King of Romance, I tell you.

In other news, I discovered lots of lovely gems via the internetz this weekend. 

This is reallll life and I promise you I didn't make this up (also I have no idea how I would find a penguin with a penguin backpack and I definitely don't have that kind of time for this blog, yo). My mom didn't believe me but this penguin got adopted by a Japanese fisherman and one day they went to the fish market together and the penguin got reallly excited because #endlessfish and so they gave him his own backpack to go shopping at the fish market with it and now he goes and does his shopping with his stinking PENGUIN BACKPACK.
The world is beautiful. Forget the run-on sentence that just happened. Thankzzz.

this means nothing and yet everything and so I want it on my gravestone kbye.

have I blogged about ezra koenig's twitter yet? well, uhhhhh. it speaks fo it'self.

Addressing the dangers of excessive extravagance in our lives, Ezra cautions people to live in moderation. He references a “silk suit” and “suede shoes” as examples of luxuries that, despite being self-satisfying, can interfere with basic functions of everyday life when they are used without discretion. Ezra’s words create a metaphor that explains what will happen to an overindulgent person when “it starts raining the next morning”—he or she will stumped by the unexpectedness of life if they have not given thought to anything besides their own extravagance. Just like a person trapped in the rainy aftermath of a sleepover with no way to get home, anyone who is too caught up in their attempts to live lavishly will be left “marooned 4 days” because of their failure to consider that high expectations are not always flawlessly executed. Perhaps in Ezra’s own experience, he has been in this situation with clothes he purchased IRL1, planned to wear onstage, and was subsequently forced to abandon when weather conditions threatened the safety of these garments. Such a troubling experience would certainly remind Ezra to refrain from wearing extravagant clothes he bought IRL while performing as a musician, therefore internally reinforcing his message of conscientious modesty.
1. See: Koenig, Ezra (arzE). “swear I thought IRL stood for “In Ralph Lauren.”” 3 Dec. 2012, 1:42 p.m. Tweet.

Ezra speaks to a mental atmosphere that all youthful people who embody a “fresh feeling” of restlessness will experience at some time. He is not referring solely to a feeling that arrives upon waking up in the morning, but rather a greater mindset of impatience. Impatience, however, is not a bad thing under these circumstances—instead, it is the dislike of letting small, seemingly insignificant actions, such as getting dressed, take away from the more majestic possibilities that each new day offers. Additionally, he mentions that this mindset can also lead people to feel “clean in body & spirit.” This is certainly a positive personal affirmation that encourages self-worth, but Ezra wisely insists that people must incorporate this feeling into their lives in moderation. If these youthful adventurers fail to keep their “fresh feeling” in check, it may become their downfall. Ezra’s advice to “take the shower” suggests that such a restless attitude can begin to reek, and that sometimes a mental cleanse of oneself is necessary. Clearly, Ezra stresses that “last night’s clothes” cannot offer lasting fulfillment, and that as human beings, sometimes we actually must take the time to contemplate our apparel, not just our morals.
(favorite of all time)

And finally, an announcement of sorts. I'm starting another blog, about music, and it's gonna be off the chain insane, but I can't say anymore because it's gonna be huge in Japan and I don't want them to know what hit them. 

(yes I drew it on a napkin. J.K. Rowling started to write Harry Potter on a napkin too, so.)

Okay. I'm off to take my third nap of the day.

hashtag daylight savingssssss
am i right