
ugh, writer's block. also why does nobody read this anymore.

is it because I stopped posting unicorn pictures? you GUYZ. It's not that hard to get your unicorn fix. There is google. Just saying. And this video game, which you should download. It's the only game on my device, SO.

I want to write things that are meaningful. I want to write things that make people go "huh" or "ohhh" or "sweet action daddy-crackin'!" You know?! Well, it's hard to want to write when nobody is reading. Or commenting. COMMENT. I beg you. I'm becoming one of those bloggers but, anyway, I digress. I shouldn't be writing this at all. This is a result of some classic Saturday night boredom.

Here is another result of aforementioned boredom:

See what I mean? Is there such a thing as drunk-blogging? You know, like drunk-dialing, only blogging, and not being drunk, just tired? Well, that's what this is. #justified

I actually have like 5 unfinished posts sitting in my drafts. Posts about nothing really, but I mean, this blog doesn't exactly have a theme. It's just me being me. I don't have a theme.

You know how instagram has those "10 random facts about me" things? Well, since this is a completely random post, constructed solely for my own entertainment on a Saturday night, I'm going to do that now. And I think someday it will go on my "about me" page. If I ever become famous enough to have one of those. #jokes
  1. I'm weird and I like to park far away from the grocery store/mall/movie theater/whatever building I happen to be going to. I like to walk. Is that weird? Gimme the boonies! 
  2. I still do Perdiddles even when I'm driving by myself. And I just realized how terribly awkward that sounds when I type it out. Halp. P.S. does everyone know what a Perdiddle is or do I really sound like a fool now? 
  3. I always spend 30 minutes on Netflix surfing through dumb movies/shows, and sometimes even start one, just to find out that it's lame, and then I watch Office re-runs. Every dang time.
  4. I like to eat the burnt ends of french fries. Srsly. Also I can't bring myself to eat the ends of bananas or carrots. ??? Don't ask. I don't have the answer.
  5. I wish it was autumn/winter almost all the time because then I could wear beanies all the time! See that one I'm wearing in those pictures? I've been wearing it for 3 days. THREE DAYS. Of course I showered. Gosh. 
  6. I like my ice cream to be frozen solid when I eat it. As in, chewable. Those people who drink milkshakes are weird.
  7. I wake up almost every day with a Michael Jackson song in my head. However, this morning I woke up with "The Swagger Wagon" song in heavy rotation, sooo. Who knows. My mind thinks I am black. It's fine.
  8. I spend an unreasonable amount of time looking at food blogs and reading cookbooks. Yes, I read cookbooks for fun. I LIKE FOOD. SUE ME.
  9. I still jump on the bed to psych myself out for scary things, like first dates. And listen to certain songs very loudly. This one is a classic.
  10. I like having painted nails, but my nail polish never stays looking good for very long, which annoys me, but never enough for me to paint over them, so my nails are perpetually gross looking. Does anybody care about this? Didn't think so.


  1. I am reading!!! And am always excited for new posts!!! So keep them coming!!!!

    hahaha....(Not Dan)

  2. #3 is totally me. I try to be adventurous with TV, but end up watching The Office basically every day.

    Also, I just learned that if you use a "Base Coat" first, then your nail polish, then a "Top Coat," your nail polish will stay on for a miraculously long time. I bought the "Orly" brand and it works really well.

  3. I also Perdiddle when I drive alone. Soooo... yeah. You aren't alone. :)

  4. Great list... so you. Fur Realz Guyzzz ... ehem
