
ooh I really love this song...I think I'm gonna listen to it maybe one, maybe 64 more times.

^^a chapter from my autobiography, folks.

(p.s. Tyler Johns, if you're reading this, I think you're photo-bombing me in this pic.
 please confirm.)

I found my journal from high school a couple of days ago. Woof. I mean, really. Just listen to this stuff:

"How to Survive This Place We Call High School" 
"High school ain't that difficult. Just a hint for all you freshmen--don't flippin' worry about the way people shove you in the hall. They're not mad at you, they just want to get to class. Also: roller-wheel backpacks are extinct. At least, they should be. Don't bring them unless you want to cause mayhem in the English hall. Just do this:
1-Show up to range on time (#priorities)
2- Make friends who laugh at you and with you
3- It's okay if you fail a math test--everyone has before

Ah, the wisdom is just leaching off the page, don't you think? Oh, but there's more. This one might be my favorite.

"I got called a 'sentimental fool' today. That's like calling me a 300-lb sumo wrestler. I think mom was kidding when she called me that because everyone knows I'm a heartless loser. I probably won't even cry on my wedding day. Hmm...that's too far ahead. I can't think about it now." Little did I know just how far ahead it was...bahaha. 

Anyway, have you ever noticed which people are mascara-streakers and who are the Visine wannabes? That didn't make much sense, but hey. You get what I'm saying? I would definitely put myself under the category Visine Wannabe. I usually have eyes like the Sahara Desert anyway. Not ever crying causes a serious drought! (You can tell I hadn't really discovered boys yet). 

Notes 2 self:
-Don't wear toe socks w/out putting your toes in the actual toe parts
-Don't run without gloves if there's snow on the ground

I mean really. Who was that girl?? Heartless loser? PSSH. This describes much of the last year:

I went to see Spiderman on Saturday. I brought Mexican food into the theater with me, as per usual. Sounds like a glorious set-up, no? And as soon as the opening credits started I was crying. WHAT IN THE WORLD. That's what I get for calling myself a "heartless loser" at the age of 16. It was gonna bite me in the hiney at some point. 

I feel the need to say "subject change!" right now for dramatic effect. Also I don't know how else to transition from Spongebob pictures to the temple, soo...

I work here now! I love it. It's the best non-paying job I've ever had. Also, the chocolate milk isn't bad, either. Not bad at all. If you come here from 4-8 on Thursdays....you might run into me. But don't like, actually run into me, because I am a klutzbomb (state-certified) and I will trip and fall.

Why am I still writing this. I think my fingers are simultaneously jamming to this 70's pop and they can't...stop...typing. Maybe something coherent will come of it if I just keep on writing. "Maybe if I keep running these red lights it will become legal! Maybe I'll kill some people." <--same logic

I can't think of anything else to say. So how about this--YOU guys talk! Yeah, I need help making that video bliggity blog. Which I realize I've been talking about for about 6 months. Time to ask me questions. Which I may or may not answer (a.k.a. any questions about my love life, kthxbye).

Ready, steady, go!

Here's some ideas to get your brain cogs turning. Brain cogs? Huh? P.S. I got all of these from the internetz. Also, another p.s., I really hate talking about myself so if you can think of any other questions that aren't about moi, that would be gr8. If you really want me to answer any/all of these questions...I whill. For art! For the shire! *shudder*
  1. What movie deserves a sequel?
  2. What one album would you like to throw repeatedly at a brick wall?
  3. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
  4. What is one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?
  5. If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your alias?
  6. What is the nicest thing someone else has done for you?
  7. If you could bring someone famous back from the grave, who would you choose?
  8. Where do you not mind waiting?
  9. If you could project yourself into the past, were would you go?
  10. What would you refuse to do for one million dollars?
  11. What is one thing you refuse to share?
  12. If you went to a psychiatrist, what would he/she say you suffer from?
  13. What makes you really sleepy? (I can answer this one right now: being awake. Being awake makes me sleepy. Who wrote these.)
  14. What do people do too much of today?
  15. What movie could you watch over and over and never get sick of it ever?
  16. In what part of the world would you hate to be by yourself?
  17. To what would you like to devote more time?
  18. What would be the best thing about not having a sense of smell?
  19. What is the best vacation/trip you've ever been on?
  20. What is the scariest scene you remember from a kid's movie?
  21. If you could un-invent one thing, what would it be?
  22. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
  23. What is your favorite movie line or scene?
  24. What part of your body could use a little lotion? hahahaha this question is weird. do not ask me this. please. 
  25. What language would you like to master?
  26. If you were directing a movie, who would you cast as your leading man and woman?
  27. Aside from lettuce, what are your two favorite salad ingredients? who said lettuce was my favie?
  28. If you had to dispose of a dead body, how would you do it?
  29. Do you have a place where you would like to go and think? If so, where?
  30. What is your favorite event in the Winter Olympics?
Also, if you guys want me to do something else besides talking non-stop on video, I will do other things. Except the cinnamon challenge. I will read a chapter out of a really terrible book, with the voices. I will doorbell ditch the governor of Utah. I will eat a giant meatball sub in one sitting. The possibilities!

raise da roooof


  1. Yes that is a picture of my graduation Day. And it looks like you are blocking the camera's view of me.

  2. ^^^Hahahahaha. I love that guy.
