
I have had peanut butter cups in my possession for 7 DAYS

a note to you from me. whoever is reading this.
yeah, you. 

You guys, we need to be nicer humans. Me and you and all of everyone. Not just to others (and we should be that too). I mean, like, to ourselves. To our "chothers" (pronounced CHUHH-thurz), as my Spanish professor would say. If you had a friend that talked to you like you talk to yourself, would you be friends with that person? OMG I hated that sentence. Agh! See?! Being a jerk to myself again. *I will not criticize my own grammar or others', amen* *unless they ask me to, please bless that they ask me to*

And now, in the spirit of being a generally pleasant human, here is a list of things I think we should give people awards for but we don't (you probably fit the description of many of these, so go have a peanut butter cup to celebrate! C'MON DO IT! IT'S MY BLOG AND I'M TELLING YOU THAT YOU HAVE TO DO IT).

CongRATZ! FOrrrr:
  • having peanut butter cups for longer than 2 days and not eating them
  • being able to turn pages in books without licking your fingers 
  • not saying "bless you" each and every time after someone sneezes
  • using your turn signal
  • wearing sunblock
  • wearing a helmet if you're riding a motorcycle, especially on the freeway b/c SRSLY don't mess with gravity
  • looking like Chris Pine (haven't met anybody who gets this award yet, except for Chris Pine. Wait I haven't met him.)
  • being able to dip a chip without it breaking into the dip
  • not crying when someone yells at you
  • crying but doing the thing anyway (has been mentioned before but it's iMPORTANT)
  • not getting the mascara crease on your eyelid 
  • not leaving the house with conditioner stuck in your ear
  • resisting the urge to fist-bump, unless you're try'na be ironic. Jk. Not jk.
  • being good at making quesadillas
  • being good at making scrambled eggs
  • being good at making pizza
  • being good at making all of McKenzie's favorite foods
  • knowing how to sight-read music
  • being willing to say opening/closing prayers in church
  • being nice to babies/children even if they are screaming 
  • knowing how/when to use the right emoji
  • recycling 
  • ^^that's not even a joKE, by the way
  • being able to cuddle a cat w/out it scratching your face
  • being able to get a car wash and not having a bird destroy your car the next day (I do not possess this talent, tragically)
  • being able to shave your legs without missing a spot on your kneecaps every time
  • not being a klutzbomb all the time. but if you are one, that's ok too. Regular Bombs and Klutzbombs are welcome on my blog. 
  • being able to listen to Simon & Garfunkel without crying
  • not being one of those people who photoshops Nicolas Cage's face onto muffins or lizards or pregnant women or Disney princesses OR ANYTHING REALLY NOT ANYTHING
my mom would will be proud of this one.


  1. I had to mark this as unread on my phone, and come on here to comment these two things.
    #1. I literally can't believe you have had Reese's in your possession for longer than 10 minutes.
    #2. I had to say the closing prayer in church. Were you there? Did you hear me say "gabbath" instead of "gather"? LOL.

    1. I was at the Shingle's Ward...so no. Didn't get to hear that treasure. Hahahahahaha.
