
♫hellloo from the other siiiide, I like potatoes that are friiiiieed♫

It's me!!! I'm alive. Fresh out the womb...of...spring break. Well. I'm never going to say that again.

Say what again, McKenzie?

Womb. Or "fresh out." In the same sentence together.

Speaking of Spring Break, let's take a moment of silence for it, yeah? BYU schools don't get spring breaks, and that's why Heavenly Father led me to USU. Probably.

p.s. half these pics have already showed up on other social media platforms (haha, what a dumb phrase), but...well, I actually don't have an excuse for this. I thought I would think of one while I was writing the sentence but it didn't come. Anyways.

FLAGSTAFF. Flagstaff, Flagstaff, Flahfsgsftaffffff. Luh you.

When we first got out of the shuttle and looked down it was really overwhelming


We left the trail for .5 seconds to take this pic #sorrymom

You think it's dumb that I'm wearing a hoodie AND a denim vest but it wasn't warm


oh and then the storm clouds came and I just wanted to hug the Grand Canyon even though it's not possible at all

my hair looked so good with the GC color palette

this is very corny and I know it



we went into that hole in the ground (again, #sorrymom)

these hikers don't even have face 

we underestimated how long the walk to the lava caves was (it was 9.5 miles) (HAHA)

bonus pic for the people who are still reading this.

you're like, wow what a great reward.

That's all I have for now. In approximately one month I'll be done with school and I know my brain will be mush. So I'll see you then.

on the ooother siiiiiide

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