

The club cannot even handle me right now.

Every time the temperature sneaks up into the 40's and I peel off my winter coat, the snow comes back the next day and emotionally dropkicks me into outer space. ENOUGH. My hammock is actually starting to gather dUST?! So I've actually started to shave my legs again, as if to make some kind of unspoken deal with the weather.

me: "Ok, I will shave my legs--AND my kneecaps--if you promise to stop snowing. Please."
weather guy in space: "LOL NAH but good luck keeping your legs warm now that they're naked like mole rats HAHA"


The semester is already kinda half over, which is vry bizarre. Last semester seemed to drag on and on like Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. But I guess this just proves that whole "if you've already been there, it goes faster" theory. You know how when you go on road trips and the getting to the destination always feels longer than coming home, because when you come back you've already seen everything? #deeperthanblackholes

Picture dump time, because I have nothing else to say right now. Come back later. Maybe when the sun comes out my brain will get reactivated.

haha yeah right.

This was  taken a month ago when I was still enjoying winter. 

same house, different season
 you can't see but there's a weird statue of Groot on the porch (all year round)

Hello NcKenzie is my name (at a dating fireside which was rly good)

nothing makes me look more pale than red lipstick WINTER

At one point during this hike, Houston took some random shortcut "trail" which was actually not a trail at all and I said "You are dead to me now" like 50 times while trying to get up this hill covered in snow thx Houston but really THANKS cuz the view was gr8

We spend vry much time and not vry much money at the D.I. (but rally this D.I. is like the Taj Mahal of Deserets Industriez)

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