
being in your 20s is feeling like if you're not successful somebody will literally come kill you

The other night we drove 45 minutes to the north and ended up at a beautiful little girl's camp in Preston, Idaho to visit my sister. She wanted us to come see her campsite and watch her skit (if you do not understand what I'm talking about, just imagine a much milder version of SNL, in the woods, with girls who haven't showered in a few days).

I saw a bunch of my old girl's camp leaders there and we started reminiscing, because that's what you do when you get older. Sometimes it's easier than confronting an unknown future. I did the math and it was 10 years ago that I last went to Girl's Camp. Then I did the math again and realized I'll be nearly forty ten years from now. By the way, when I say did the math, I just mean I added and subtracted.


I read a book a few months ago and she had some radical ideas--one of them was that if you're not happy where you are currently at in life, you need to leave that story. You need to write a new one. She said "you are not permitted to waste your precious time on earth being miserable" (or something to that effect). 

I think comparison is something making a lot of us unnecessarily miserable. And for me, the #1 thing I can do to shed that cloak of not-feeling-good-enough is to stop scrolling. It's probably the best thing you can do for your health.

Oh, and get some vitamin D, cuz that stuff is underrated.