
let's get real for a sec.

I have writer's block. I can't produce anything worth reading at this point in time. I mean, I could probably just paste a bunch of creepy Nicolas Cage pictures on here. Or space cats. The internet is rife with space cats, I tell you.

Buuuuut I decided to post something a little more serious, because SRSLY, this blog isn't all bout fun and games, you guyz. I can't be all funny and crazy all the time (actually I can, with enough chocolate in me...I can).

So, I'm moving. I'm actually really scared about it. I've been in my comfort zone for awhile now (aka my parents' house) and a month or so ago I decided it was time to spread my wings (who wants to be the wind beneath them? volunteers?).

The thing about comfort zones is that they aren't exactly greenhouses. Wow. That metaphor totally crashed and burned. It was like the Hindenberg all over again.

Anywayyy. What I'm trying to say is that we never really grow when we're comfortable. It feels nice and safe inside our bubbles, but we after awhile it gets too comfortable and there's nothing to do in there. It's time for a change. Helllloo, the first nine months of everybody's life is spent in a really comfy bubble, also known as the uterus, and then wa-BAM, comfort zone broken! In a really traumatic way. Sorry that you all have to poke your mind's eye out now.

But really. In all my experiences, stepping outside of the comfort zone is really, really hard at first. It's terrifying to take that step into the unknown and go "Okay Heavenly Father...I trust you. But is it going to be worth it?" And of course He always answers that question later with experiences and people and great feelings and then you find yourself looking back on them later going, "Hey! What was I even afraid of?"

So here's to the jumping off point. I'm sure I'll break some bones when I crash (I'll probably crash...I get distracted when I'm in motion. #klutzbomb)...but it will be worth it.


I hope I don't turn out like Meredith does in this gif...actually I hope I don't turn out like Meredith, period.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember ever really conversing with you in person in our lives. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I love being your Facebook friend and reading what you write for tacos.
