
current mood: that vine of the seal playing the saxaphone (look it up)


One fine morning recently (not-so-recently, bc I haven't posted on this in awhile, haha! JOKE'S ON YOU!)...I was laying in bed on my phone trying not to move very much because

a) I was very dizzy (long story)
b) no it's not a long story I was just dizzy, ok?

Anyway, I was sitting there (laying) and then my friend texted me an article all about not being on our cell phones because of obvious reasons we all know about but choose to ignore because we're millennials and we wanna die EARLY I guess, and also it gives us neck-aches. And then I thought, "Gosh, my neck hurts."


thing that happened on the first day of class:
  • I walked into my first classroom and immediately realized the only working piece of technology in the room was a 100-year old heater in the corner, which regularly emits the sound of a pterodactyl getting hit by a bus (I know what that sounds like, trust me). So my students' first impression of me was walking into the room, growling at the heater, and then slamming both hands on the top of it and saying "shhhhhHHHHh." Throughout the class period as the heater got louder, I had to interrupt myself and say "Ok breathe, McKenzie...find your center..." They're all afraid of me. Perfect. 
  • Not one but TWO students asked me why the heck couldn't they reuse their old high school papers? SERIOUSLY WHAT. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. I put the "flabber" in "flabbergasted."
  • Another student asked me what I defined "tardy" as. I was like ??? "after the minute hand leaves the six..." I always feel like they're asking me trick questions when they do that. But nope. Nah. Nope.
  • I saw my friend Paden in the hallway and waved vigorously at him, but two English professors were walking in front of me, and as he waved back at me, they waved at him, and then he was like, "What do I do with my hands" and I had to lean against the wall for support cuz I was laughing so hard GOSH I AM TIRED. Feels good to be back at this sleep deprivation thing. I really missed that routine. 
I'm both of these cats somehow.

1 comment:

  1. dying over that story with your friend waving at the professors. DYINGGGGG
