
I identify with raccoons because I'm cute but I belong in the garbage

a depiction of moi before I drank some horchata. here I am after. horchata. important. 

It's been a Monday. I had to put a few songs on heavy rotation just to get through this day. This one in particular, man. Sidenote: why do all my favortiest bands come from Seattle and/or Great Britain? What is the phenomenon here? Expect a ruminating blog post on this in the near future.

In the past week I've been having the most bizarre dreams. I mean, normally I have weird ones, but these ones have made me wake up in the middle of the night, which never happens. You guys. I don't even get up to the use bathroom. Trent, if you're reading this, I bet you thought I just admitted to peeing the bed every night. But those days are over (because they never even began). What I mean to say is that my REM cycle is heavier than a circus elephant (???) and I don't wake up for anything. Not even earthquakes! #Mexicoreference However, this week, my dreams have been off-the-chain-insane, which is usually a sign that something is amiss in real life.

The problem is, I can't figure out what's missing. Usually when this happens, I just find something new to occupy my time. I set a new goal for mah-self. But there's something about this funk that I can't shake. HaLP. Sign up for a half-marathon (gulp)? Go back to Mexico? Go live in Mexico?

/end of nonsense transmission.

So I bought these corduroy pants a couple of weeks ago, and ever since I have noticed that upon wearing them, I instantly make new friends. Because of my pants. People go "Are those corduroys?" I say "Yeeaaah...." and then they hi-five me, or ask if they can touch my leg. Usually I just let them hi-five me. Except for that one exception I made for a boy, because even though I'd just met him, I felt comfortable enough to let him touch my leg. And thus a friendship was born.

It has taken me about three hours of on-and-off writing to complete this post. I had to stop after the first paragraph and take a drive, which just so happened to go past Beto's, and I said to myself, "Self, it's December, and you could literally live inside a Vampire Weekend song, and post it on the internet so people will think you're cool." Actually, none of those reasons mattered to me because horchata.

I'm pretty interested in sleeping and not waking up in the middle of the night because of weird nightmares and thinking a spider is crawling on my face when really it's just a piece of lint.

bye, here's a picture of a goat on a skateboard
he was a skater goat, he said see you later goat

okay I'm done. prOMise. 

all my bloggy readers: but is she really???

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