
peace and blessins'

2013 is almost over. Weird. Because I vividly remember the beginning of 2013, and geesh, it wasn't really 365 days ago, was it? Srsly. This year was what I would call a great big, 365-day-long growing pain. f'realz. Ouch. Many scars on this girl right here. But it was all worth it. Of course.

Heavenly Father knows what He's doing. 

This year I....
*started to blahg again and found out the internet still likes my insanity
*worked 3 different jobs. yes, three.  tres. mucho. that's a lot. but each one had its purpose in that whole growing thang.
*discovered BEN HOWARD
*made lots of new best frands, who I seriously can't believe I lived this long without! what the heck! well thanks 2013, for all these people. I lub them.
*hiked Timp finally (awesome, but ew. but awesome.)
*got my endowments 
*went to californiaaaaaaa
*took the dadgum GRE, POR FIN
*ate way too many tacos (wait that's not even possible)
*ran the Dirty Dash. next up: half marathon (??????!?!!?!?!?)
*learned how to longboard. bought a longboard. wondered if I really did know how to longboard. got some more scars from longboarding
*moved out of parents' house to Provo
*saw lots of family members and friends get married. aww yeah.
*went to lots of bang-a-rangin' concerts

I've been listening to this song on heavy rotation lately. The words are puhfect for how I feel right now:

And I've come to be untroubled in my seeking.
And I've come to see that nothing is for naught.
I've come to reach out blind
To reach forward and behind
For the more I seek the more I'm sought
Yeah, the more I seek the more I'm sought.

Hey 2014, I'm ready for you. Come at me.

1 comment:

  1. You are so fun. I was just looking through blogs, targeting ones with titles I like (I judge books by em too) and I needed to come read here. Such a unique blog, and it's refreshing to know a writer who doesn't fit the typical blogger mode
