
reasons to be happy

I was going to write a post all about how hot it is and how, being from the Pacific Northwestern land (God's country, lezbehonest), my body can't handle this heat most of the time. I mean, you saw my whiny facebook status right?

Yeah. And that really happened. Don't ask why I have oven mitts in my car....I dunno either. 

But then I thought about how last week was one of those weeks that started off pretty poorly and then I got some perspective. The gospel always gives me that perspective. I need it so very much.

Anyway, I was studying in Ether 12 (one of my favorite chapters ever) and this jumped out at me:

Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God. 

I added some emphasis because that right there is the not-so-secret formula to happiness, everyone. Believe in God. Put your faith in Christ. Then you'll be led to good things and you'll be truly happy. 

It really is that simple...I promise. (if you don't know what I am talking about, start here

And now, I present to you, a list of happiness, because remember how that's a necessary part of dis blog? Well it is. Always necessary!

1) oranges. oranges are glorious. may I get a thousand canker sores from eating too many. 

2) this video my older broski sent to me. I'm not going to say how many times I've watched it buuut yeah, it makes me laugh so hard that tears come out of my face. Watch it. 

"they do move in herds" hahahahahahaha

3) music! oh music, how I love thee. you make me cry sometimes because, well, I'm emo and I feel a lot of things, but don't you ever just lay on your bedroom floor and blast some classical cello music really loudly? oh, you don't? ummm well.....this is awkward. 

4) the TEMPLE. All temples. Everywhere in the whole wide world. Amen.

5) also, dark chocolate is a thing. like, Heavenly Father loves me so much that He let me come into a world where dark chocolate is REAL. I'm glad. 

6) my little siblings. children in general, actually. we can talk about my legitimate baby hunger later...

but yeah, how can you not love this face?!  try to say no to that! it's really hard. #firstworldproblems

and the notes she leaves for my dad. 

and look at the way my little broski does the dishes. with cheese hanging from his mouth and music in his ears. we are most definitely related. 

7) the following people actually exist

I'm sorry, sign your what now? (if you can't read it, it says "liver." mmmkay)

one of the best family photos I have ever seen in my life. lit'rally.

 ...no more words need to be said



  1. Thank you for happy Monday thoughts! Those can be hard to come by. :)

  2. I definitely laughed out loud at the people that exist. And the dark chocolate thing. And your little sister's note. : ) So yeah, it was a happy post.

  3. Ellie's note to your dad makes my heart sing!
